Friday, April 28, 2006

Who says it's not easy being green?

These pictures of my parents house makes my "do do do looking out my back door" post look a bit silly. I can't believe how green it is - I'm already homesick! I love the picture of Johnny and Rob fighting with the oars. Rob didn't realize what a great shot he had at my Dad until he saw the pictures.


Anonymous said...

Yes, he chose wisely.
He could have put me head first into the muck!
Glad you enjoyed your stay!
Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! After seeing these pictures I considered moving to this place...then I realized...I already live here. Anytime I think of downsizing again, I'll pull up your site first. We miss you already too. I personally would have enjoyed the next frame of the oar fighting scene tho after Johnny realized the target at hand.

Melissa said...

The best thing about the oar fight is that both Johnny AND Rob look like it's the most boring thing they've ever done - and are trying to figure out which one actually started it, and how they can casually end it without hurting the other's feelings.

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a gorgeous place!