Thursday, December 06, 2007

American am I in Honor of Having Been Born

Every once in a while I find something so off that I decide to blog about it. Perhaps it is the dry comedian that lives within, or perhaps it is the lack of other blogging ideas. Either way, I made a small purchase for Madelyn the other night at the grocery store. I was checking out, and it was next to the candy in the things-you-don't-really-need section. Being the queen of impulse buys - I grabbed a pack of "Fun Punching Balloons."

I pulled them out of thier packages, and began reading the instructions on how to inflate. (I know what some of you are thinking...but yes, there WAS more to it than just blowing up the balloon.) Here are the directions - word for word:
1. Inflate the balloon by hold as the picture
2. Hidden the end by roll or tie it and insert into the balloon
3. Overturn the balloon and use the rubber stripe to play as your lifestyle
Thank you Babel Fish Translation for making it so easy to translate words. Now factories in Malaysia can save money on interpreters.


Marshall and Alison said...

So clever! I it loved copy can't really. :)

The UnMighty said...

If you enjoy seeing Asians jack up the English language, check out ""