Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Rob!

This morning our family woke up bright and early to go to a baptism with Rob's family. We had our breakfast, got all dolled up, loaded up the kids, drove for twenty minutes and met up with everyone. Upon arrival, Rob's niece, Rylee, screams out, "Happy Birthday Rob!!" (They share the same birthday) It was upon that greeting that I felt like absolute mud. ME, the birthday reminder - ME, the person with the infallible memory had totally spaced my husband's birthday. I felt a little bit better when Rob seemed confused, and then replied with, "Oh yeah!" But mostly I just felt awful. We went out last night to dinner and a movie, and I have made him three separate cakes to celebrate - but I still wanted to be the first to say "Happy Birthday." So, my dear Rob...HAPPY BIRTHDAY - you are everything to me.
Here are some little known facts about my favorite person:

Rob has night terrors. He is literally that guy on TV flopping around, sweating, kicking, and shaking. Then he wakes up and says things like, "I hate dinosaurs. And these dinosaurs were like alien-bug dinosaurs that can change into people."

Rob has decided that the business world is not for him. If given the opportunity to do anything at all - he'd be a forest ranger. {This is obviously after we are ridiculously rich from life in the business world}

He told me when we were dating that he wanted to name one of his sons Jude. I laughed at him and told him it was a horrid name - and that none of my children would ever be screwed over like that.

He's DESPERATE for a motorcycle.

He loves me anyway.

Rob, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me - thanks for putting up with me, and being an amazing father. Our kids and I love you more than you'll ever know.
Happy Birthday!!


Stacey said...

That's kinda funny that you forgot. Just remember that it was an early morning and if it had been a normal day, you would have remembered. Maybe the nightmare thing is a Wilson thing because it happens to Brett all the time. It's the only time I will ever wake up in the middle of the night laughing and not caring that I was just rudely woken up.

Jodi said...

Happy Birthday dear Robbie!! Glad you guys were able to spend some of the day with us - thanks for your support!! We love you!!

P.S. - I'd be getting some professional help with the night terror thing! Wierd!