Monday, February 20, 2012


BDEM:  Taking Maddie to Icing (I know it says, "Icing by Claire's, but isn't it basically the same store?  Why is there then a Claire's just around the corner at the mall?)  Forgive my rant...taking Maddie to pick out her first dangly earrings.  It's hard to find a pair of "little danglers" for tiny ears - but we ended up with the cutest little flowers.  

Water:  Not enough.  It's because I didn't work out today.  Probably only 30 oz.

1 comment:

Deon said...

Who needs a $60million movie starring Johnny Depp? That, right there, is one of the best movies I've ever watched. Isn't she the dearest thing? Oh my. How can you stand it, Melissa?