Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A Year

All kids - first day of Kindergarten

Solo Shot

Ready for first grade

All three 2011
In the midst of all our traveling and family excitement/drama I forgot to post Maddie's first day of first grade pictures.  It's amazing what a year can do - especially for Ella!

I couldn't stop laughing on her first day - because of ALL things, Madelyn woke up with a huge zit on her forehead.  I was glad she wasn't old enough to realize how unbelievably stereotypical it was, but I sure enjoyed the irony.

She's not quite sure how she feels about school yet, and is having a difficult time adjusting to the full day schedule.  She told me the other day that her head keeps falling over because she is so tired.  She even begged to stay home today because she just didn't want to go.  I get the feeling that I'm going to get my hatred for school back in spades.

BDEM:  Jude was once again in trouble for tormenting Ella.  (I'm fairly sure it was mutual, but he being the big brother seems to get the "it's your responsibility to..." talk more often) Anyway - he was in his room and wasn't allowed to come out until he figured out a way he could stop being so mean to Ella.  Rob went in to check on him several times and each time he said he wasn't ready yet.  Then, after a good twenty minutes, he came out with this idea.  "Dad - every time that Ella is mean to me, I am going to go into my pillowcase and pretend to be a turtle.  Then we won't fight."  We are pretty sure this is the solution we've been waiting for.  I'll keep you posted.  

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