Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I've been meaning to post about family camp since we went way back in August - but the task seems so overwhelming due to the gazillions of photos that we have.  To make it easier, and to leave it up to YOU whether or not you want to see all the photos, I'm just going to put a link up of all of the pictures.  There are a good 300ish photos - but they're pretty awesome.  A big thanks to my awesome sister in law, Mandy, for putting these together.

Click HERE if you want to immerse yourself in family camp fun.  

Here are a few of my favorites:
The brood
The floating lanterns
Ella with the velcro paddle stuck in her hair.  

Ella getting ready to jump on the bungee tramp

Maddie ready for the talent show

Water skiing

Boat ride

Flight Simulator
No hands

My monkey husband
Tubing - I haven't laughed so hard in years

Thanks again, Dad, for a second-once-in-a-lifetime trip!  

1 comment:

Mean Aunt Marissa said...

I feel like a super horrible aunt posting this... But the multiple Velcro/Ella/Tears pictures are just too funny! How does that happen repeatedly to one little red head?!?