Friday, June 06, 2008


Rob and I are pretty competitive when it comes to, mmm, everything. And by competitive, I mean - Rob enjoys winning and silently making me feel horrible about my skills. I get pretty annoyed with the fact that he's really good at everything - but that's what you get when you marry a perfectionist. It takes me back to my childhood Monopoly games where my dad would destroy us, and then try to set up "loans" to continue the game. I remember him offering me a "home-equity line on Boardwalk." I'm sure it was a fair rate, 6% or so, but I still lost.

Rob and I love yard games - croquet, horse-shoes, bocce ball, etc., and we purchased a fun new game this year. I don't really know what it's called - but you basically throw these little balls on a string at a stand, and hope they stick. Three points for the top bar, two for the middle, and one for the bottom. Here's the run-down of our first turns of our first game. Rob, as always, masters the game immediately.

I let go just a LITTLE too late - and this game immediately turns into every other game we play.

Perhaps it's time to give up lawn games.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! oh dear. Good luck with that. Did it ever come down?

Sarah said...

shocking. Did you get mad at Rob winning and launch the sucker?:)

kathryn said...

so did you have lots of fun throwing around jokes like, "oh man, my balls are on the line" or "my balls are hanging by a thread"... because that's probably one of the best merits of your game.

Tom Quinn. said...

Man, you really stink at that game. I don't know how you do at the other games, but I hope you stink at this one the most.

Something Wilde said...


You should have called me...the game is called Ladder Golf.

kyle said...

I've played this game twice now on home-made sets. You can make your own at:

Apparently this game is one of many names. I've heard "billabong" and "hillbilly golf". Through a quick google search, I found dozens of names at:

Some of them are QUITE interesting... namely the last one on their list.

jethrojones said...

Horse Balls is what we call it. Very fun.