Friday, December 18, 2009

7 Days and Counting

I can't remember a Christmas with my family that didn't include opening presents to the songs of John Denver and the Muppets. All the songs were taken from a Christmas special that they put on many, many years ago. So long ago, that I was too young to remember it. Thanks, YouTube, for showing me what I've been missing all these years. (For my family - much more of the special can also be seen on YouTube)

1 comment:

mom said...

AWWWWWWW. I love John Denver AND the Muppets. Matter of fact, tonight we're gonna watch the Muppets Christmas Carol after dinner and church. I miss having all of you kids running around and especially Johnny who was still acting like a 3 year old well into his 20's. He still couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve because he was too excited for Christmas morning. I miss the line up..everyone waiting so the parental units could use the facilities before the big entrance. Wonderful years. Wonderful memories. Some of my favorites were of Grandpa and his big bag of tricks. The funnest things came out of that bag and no one enjoyed it more than he did. I love that no matter how things change, and how far apart we can all be on Christmas day, that all of those memories are still with each of us, no matter where we are reliving them! Have a wonderful Christmas. We'll be there in Spirit and you'll be here!!