Thursday, October 27, 2005

So That's What I've Been Missing...

Solid food is everything Maddie has ever dreamed of. I have read that it takes most babies several weeks to actually eat solid food. You try a little one day - and keep forcing a bit down - until they are used to the texture. Madelyn spit out two, maybe three spoonfuls, and realized that this was baby heaven. She even ate the leftovers on her bib after I had finished feeding her. But let's be honest...did any of us ever doubt her eating ability?


Derek and Kristine said...

Mmmm... baby food... what a feast! Maddie makes it look so good- have you contacted Gerber?!?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh the days of rice ceral stuck in eyelashes and eyebrows and filling up both ear cavities! I forgot how fun that was. I also think rice ceral was the beginning of hair products that make your hair stiff and spikey.Maddie has changed SO much since I saw her last. I can't wait till you get here for Christmas!