Wednesday, January 09, 2008

My Idol

As a teenage girl I had many an excuse to get out of school. I continually poked my eye so it would look like pink eye, I pinched my cheeks to look like I had a fever, I over-scratched to get hives..the list goes on and on. My brother, Greg, had to use more creative methods. He would crumble up Chips Ahoy and drop them in the toilet to resemble vomit. For many years I have considered Greg and I the world's-best-avoiders-of-school, but today we have been replaced. This child is a genius:

MONTERREY, Mexico (AFP) - A 10-year-old Mexican boy glued his hand to his bed to avoid going back to school after the Christmas break, authorities said Monday.

"I thought if I was glued to the bed, they couldn't make me go to school," the boy, Diego, told AFP. "I didn't want to go, the holidays were so much fun."

"I remembered my mom had bought a very strong glue," he said of the industrial strength shoe glue he used to stick his hand to the bed's metal headboard, where he stayed stuck for two hours.

His mother Sandra Palacios was unable to free him and called paramedics and police to help. Diego watched cartoons while they worked to unglue him, eventually using a spray to dissolve the chemical adhesive.

"I don't know why this happened. He is a very good boy," said his mother.

Diego eventually made it school a few hours late.


Anonymous said...

well... okay, i think that one wins. BUT he wasn't faking sick... so i think i still win.

Anonymous said...

oh, and he didn't get to stay home ALL DAY! so I win even more...