Monday, July 28, 2008

For Stefanie

My darling friend, Stefanie, is constantly giving me grief about "not showing." I was actually starting to believe her until I put on this non-maternity shirt. It looked like I was going to bust out of the seams at any moment.

As of today, I am officially 25 weeks along - according to my latest ultrasound. At my appointment this morning, the doctor pulled out the old measuring tape to measure my belly - and said (and I QUOTE) "Woah! You really popped over the last couple of weeks." Then realizing how it sounded he said, "Not that there's any problem with that - you're not measuring TOO big or anything." Although some people may take it as, "wow - you're really fat," I was really happy to hear the news. I've had this (fairly unrealistic) goal of only gaining ten pounds with this pregnancy. (I tend to gain about 25 pounds by delivery - and thought it would be REALLY awesome to not have to worry about losing the last fifteen pounds.) I had been fairly good about sticking to my (non-realistic) goal, and hadn't gained any weight. But at today's appointment I had put on four pounds. Hence, my MAJOR relief with the "popping" comment. Either way: goal will NOT be met. Guess it's time to drown my sorrows in more ice cream.


Jodi said...

I'll come pick you up and we'll head to Baskin Robins...I have about 15 pounds to lose too, but ice cream always sounds good!

Stefanie Raynes said...

I think those 4 lbs are all in the size of your baby's head...have you seen your little baby in that swimming womb-like thingy? HUGE head...awesome brains....

You still don't look 5 months pregnant. But I always appreciate a good shout-out.

Elder Richey said...

You only gain 25 lbs each pregnancy? Go you! I gained 40 with Marcus and am planning on gaining at least 60 with these twins. Oh well. I'm sure the mashed potatoes, ice cream, and whole milk aren't helping matters :) You look great, and it's always nice to be told you look small, right? I've made all my friends promise to tell me I look fabulous even when I'm 8 months and the size of a whale. Good times!

Anonymous said...

I gained 25 lbs. by the time went in for the blood test...praying that it would be positive so I wouldn't feel like an idiot wearing those maternity pants. sheesh I think I ate a 25 lb. meal once. I couldn't stand up or breathe for 2 and half hours!! I had serious fears that the baby, (which turned out to be Derek instead of a quarter pounder with cheese) would be pushed out through my belly button for sheer lack of any place else to be.

I don't want to hear any more namby pamby 10 lb. weight gain stories. I remember taking my REGULAR jeans to the hospital with me...assuming I'd be slipping them on and wearing them home. Imagine the horror when I couldn't get them even as far up as my KNEES!