Monday, July 16, 2007


I'm wondering at what point I should begin to get scared. If anyone has HAD these experiences, feel free to give any insight. Yesterday morning I was sitting on the couch with Jude, and Madelyn was on the floor in front of the TV. We were all minding our own business when Madelyn's jumper began to jump itself. It bounced up and down twice, and then swung back and forth for about thirty seconds. All three of us stopped and stared. When I finally realized what had happened, I ran to the computer to IM Rob. He wrote it off as a stuck spring. I decided to believe (if only for my own sanity). But tonight at dinner, Rob and I were talking, when the microwave started beeping. Our microwave (that hasn't been used all day) decided to start itself. It entered in the time of six minutes and thirty four seconds, and began to microwave nothing. So, uh, now what? Do I wait for my refrigerator to say Zuul, or should I get the heck out of here before we all turn into dogs?!

On an added note, the microwave started itself again yesterday - right in front of me. This time it started itself for seven minutes and two seconds. I've decided to take the advice of friends and my mother (whose house is also haunted) and make friends with the ghosts. I told them yesterday that these little games were fine by me, but I would NOT put up with any of them deciding to show themselves. Thus far we're all in agreement. I'll keep you all posted.


The Wilsons said...

Um, don't come near our child. That's just freaky.

Anonymous said...

Scott's available if you want him to perform an exorcism.

Team O'Connor said...

Being from Oregon I've heard A LOT of extra terrestrial stories and I just want you to know that I don't judge you. I've never had an experience myself, but I fully believe some of the stories I've heard. Yes, I believe in Sasquatch and UFO's. I do.

Team O'Connor said...

P.S. If your brother is as funny as you, I will accept to a pre-arranged marriage.

Joanna said...

sorry - but kind of freaky!

Bringhursts said...

Melissa, I got cold chills just reading this. Okay, so I used to live in a haunted house where you'd hear weird noises all the time which were easy to explain off. But the jumper jumping and microwave turning itself on is a little harder to explain . . . I think you're going to have to rent Exorcist and just do what they do in the movie.

Elder Richey said...

Is Stacey Naumann your sister-in-law? She was in my ward when we were growing up. I saw the picture of her with all the old kids. Holy cow. Please tell her hi from Katie Tew.

Deanne said...

Ok, I'm making the move from blog viewer to blog commenter. This gave me the creeps. Just keep telling yourself that they are nice spirits. Give them names, and talk pleasantly to them, and no one gets hurt.

Jared said...

Sounds like fun, but if Whoopi shows up at your house and starts getting frisky, I suggest making a run for it.

The Wilsons said...

Katie, yes it's me, Stacey Naumann Wilson. That was so weird to see your comment on Melissa's blog. How do you all know each other? Along with this I just have to say that we no longer want to buy your house.