Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Why Six Months is Awesome

Life is good as a six month old. Here's why:
You get to eat any and everything you find on the floor.

You can crawl.

You can finally participate in Dad's cool tricks.

Your legs work.

We can finally tell which parent you look like.

And you're CUTER than ever.


Team O'Connor said...

I hate being 25!

Melissa said...

It's okay Carrie. I don't think anyone in the airforce will care if you eat things you find on the floor. I hear they're cool like that. Not to mention, we'll be 26 in like four weeks. Let the countdown begin.

Jodi said...

We love Jude! He is such a happy little guy...always smiling and laughing. Great kid!

The UnMighty said...

What day is America playing and how much are tickets?

Linz said...

He IS cuter than ever!

Anonymous said...

Too cute.... How is your family doing?
Greetings from Germany.

P.S.: Did my sister contact you? She has married!

Anonymous said...

He's so adorable. In answer to your "when should we come home for a visit" question, the answer is TODAY!! I can't believe all I've already missed out on!