Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Maddie came home from preschool the other day with lots of fun facts about George Washington. She said he was nice to people, and that he was the first President of the United States. He was so honest that he even told his dad the truth when he cut down a cherry tree. Then she handed me this:
All I'm sayin' is that if this is what Georgie was wearing the day of the cherry tree incident, he had a lot more to confess to his dad.


Snarr mama said...

LOVE it!!!

Deon said...

Whooeee! You are hilarious! Yes indeed, Georgie would certainly have some 'splainin' to do, not only about his wardrobe choices but what about those green micro bangs? A man ahead of his time, I suppose.

Babcock Family said...

George looks more like "baby giant George"

mom said...

Watch out that George doesn't start hitting on your husband!