Sunday, November 18, 2007


I had a miniature melt down last Wednesday, and just couldn't hold it together. So many factors all hitting me at once. To make me feel a bit better my sweet husband ordered my FAVORITE salad from Cafe Rio. Rob dropped me at the door to run in and grab the take-out. The pick-up conversation went like this...keep in mind, I was already in a bad mood.

Me: "Hi, I have a take-out order under the name of Rob."

Him (in thickest Spanish accent POSSIBLE): "Okay, Order for Robby?"

Me: "Yeah." (didn't I just say that?)

Him: (HUGE GRIN) "Robby-dobby-doo?"

Me: (courtesy laugh) "That's funny."

Him: (Bigger grin) "Yes? Robby-dobby-do?"

Me: (fake laugh, small eye roll, thinking - REALLY? JUST GIVE ME MY FREAKING FOOD!)"Yes, Robby-dobby-do."

Him: (suddenly very serious) "No...Robby W?"

Me: "Oh yes. Um, Robby W."


kathryn said...

that's so awesome. you'll have to get ben to tell you about his similar experience... gotta love the language barriers

Jodi said...

Too funny! I wish I could have been there!