Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Only 10%?

Hi. My name is Melissa, and I have a phobia. Just looking at this picture makes me nauseous. I've always known that I was really nervous around moths (understatement of the year) but after watching this video I'm realizing that it's a full blown phobia. Here are a few things that should have clued me in earlier:

I have driven off the road - on SEVERAL occasions because there was a moth in my car. I then had to evacuate my car, and wait for someone to get the moth out - even if it was a complete stranger.

I once avoided my front bathroom for three days because there was a moth in it, and Rob was out of town. I had to leave a sign on the door that said, "MOTH" so I wouldn't accidentally walk in.

I sat alone, outside for three hours in college waiting for Mary to come home and make sure there wasn't a moth in the house.

I go into a full blown panic attack at the sight of an open door or window on summer nights.

I have nightmares of moths in my ears and hair.

The phobia extends to birds and butterflies, but neither are as severe as my freak-outs with moths. You will NEVER see me in a room where there's a possiblity for one to enter. The worst part about all of this is that I absolutely know that there is NOTHING a moth can do (save it be flutter me to death) that can hurt me - but the fear is still overwhelming. The video surprised me when it said that only 10% of people have phobias. I assumed everyone did. Please tell me I'm not alone. Please tell me that there is a secret society for the wise that are equally scared of these satanic creatures. If you think I'm ridiculous - fine, I'm sure I deserve that, but you ARE scared of something - right??


Sara said...

I don't know if I am as scared of Spiders as you are of Moths, but I definitely hate the little bugs. Brock has gotten upset at me a couple of different times for screaming a little too loudly over seeing a spider on the ground. :)

Anonymous said...

Just thought you might want to visit a web site that lists all of the phobias - from ablutophobia to zemmiphobia. I'm sure everyone would find one that fits! By the way -that's fear of washing or bathing (a) to fear of the great mole rat (z).
I was thinking that most of these must have been made up - until I came across mottephobia - fear of moths. Now don't be afraid to look!

Anonymous said...

I have a fear of change....apparently...any significant change that is permanent will send me into a tizzy of panic attacks and such...

I found out about that little tidbit about myself when we adopted our daughter...and later when we remodeled our house...come to think of it, I had a rough time on my honeymoon too.....hmmmm....tell rob hi from us!

Kyle said...

I'd like to know if you have any plans of overcoming this phobia of yours someday. I'd be more than happy to help out :)