Friday, May 30, 2008


Okay, dear friends...

If you haven't already noticed, I recently put a poll on the left side of my page. Rob and I have an appointment this afternoon to check the gender of this baby - so lets get some votes on there, and MAYBE I'll share the results!

Oh, and for you guessers of Vegas Gelato - no one even came close. I think Sarah had the closest guess, but went over - so she's out anyway. Rob and I paid a whopping $27 for two servings of gelato. I was SO mad, that I told Rob, "I can't even enjoy this." To which shook his fist and said, "You'd better enjoy it." They caught us with the free taste, and didn't advertise prices. Livid.


Jodi said...

Okay...I voted boy and evidently I am in the minorty! I guess it really doesn't matter what I think - WHAT IS IT?!?

Angie said...

Okay, so you had the appt... Boy or girl????? :) Congrats either way!

The UnMighty said...
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