Friday, November 04, 2011

I've been thinking about my Grandpa a lot today.  Actually, it's been more like my Grandpa wants me to remember him today!  Seems like there have been a million little Grandpa moments...songs on the radio, stories on the news, things I've seen in's just been a funny string of coincidences.  While typing this, the song Mele Kalikimaka even came on, and I'm not even listening to Christmas music! (He used to always say that instead of Merry Christmas)

He died a little over two years ago, but I think I'm supposed to send him a shout out on my blog today.  He followed my blog on a daily basis, and always had the nicest things to say about it. So, here we go:

Grandpa - I love and miss you!  Thanks for watching over my family - I've enjoyed thinking about you today! XOXO

Oh, and here's a little Far Side Comic - just for you!

BDEM:  Okay, this is kind of morbid - but it definitely sticks out as a "doesn't happen every day" moment.  There was a chicken crossing the road today, which in itself is pretty comical....unfortunately, the car in front of me JUST didn't see it!  

How ironic is THAT?!  

I also got a quick preview of the family pictures we took last week.....I'm SUPER stoked!  

1 comment:

the old guy said...

Thanks for thinking about your grandpa . . . you should let grandma know and send her a copy of your blog page. . . but ya, maybe without the comic!! We all do miss him.