Tuesday, August 23, 2011

An Explanation

I'm sure that a lot of you weren't phased when I said that I took part in a drill-down (aka, a marching competition) but for some of you, that may have seemed a bit out of the blue.  So, today, along with a few pictures, I'm going to explain where I was and what I was doing.  Ever since I was little my family has spent our summers at a place called Culver.  It is a tiny town on a big lake in Indiana.  And although there's not much to do in this tiny town, it is also home to a highly accredited school called Culver Military Academy.  In the winter it is a high school that is based around inspections, marching, uniforms and rank.  In the summer time, this same campus is used as a six week military camp for kids ages 9-18.  I went to the camp for five years, then taught there for three summers.  I'm sure the next question is: why would you go to Military Camp?  Were you a bad kid?  The correct answer to that question is yes, but it's not why I went there.  I went there to do things like horseback riding, jet skiing, play any sport you can think of and it's where I learned to sail.  I learned how to be a leader, and be responsible for myself. I made some of the best friends I have ever had at Culver (kids come from all around the world) and can honestly say the eight summers I spent there were the best summers of my life.

Now....after the six week camp is over, they open up the campus to families.  You are able to stay on the campus, eat in the dining hall, and enjoy all of the activities you did when you were a camper.  So this summer my dad flew all the kids out to Indiana, and we lived like campers for an entire week.  It was so amazing.

Now - on with the photo parade:

We started Monday morning with a high ropes course.  It looks as though I didn't make the photo-cut, but I DID do it.  And really enjoyed it.
My brothers Dan and Derek getting started

Me, realizing how high the course actually was

Rob and the instructor.  NOT posed.  I'm glad Rob is not AS Peter-Panish as the other guy.

Rob making it look easy

My sister in law, Jessica, finishing up

Family Catch

Our cabin for the week 
Jude, Aunt Mandy, and Lego man.   

Maddie and Aunt Marissa

Taking the kids kayaking

Pretending to be pirates at the Naval Building
 That night, we went out on the Ledbetter (insert trivia: the only three masted rigger on fresh water in the U.S.) I had to teach on this boat when I was a sailing instructor.  It's like driving the world's biggest mini-van.  Rob didn't come that night due to a sick stomach.  I believe it was also the night Madelyn accidentally drove the golf cart and sent Jude flying off the back.  In hindsight it was hilarious. Whenever mentioned, she still says, "I don't ever want to talk about that again."
Greg and I waiting for the cruise to begin

A view to the top

Pretty Lake Houses

Another Beaut
Cousin Brad,  my brother Johnny, and sister Sarah

Sunset over Lake Max

My dad and Bonnie
Brother Dan and his wife, Marissa

Sunset view from back at camp

Crazy Uncle Dan and photo-bomber, Derek. 

Derek, Jessica and kids.  Abby (left) spent her summer at six week camp - and then stayed with us at family camp.

That wraps up day one - but if you're interested in learning more about Culver Military Academy, or the camps offered - click HERE.


El rugido said...

Wowza! This is so impressive! BTW, I always wondered where you guys disappeared to each summer way back in the day. Now I know--ya'll were living life large!!! I think it is awesome you are letting your own kids experience some of your fondest memories and at the same time making new wonderful memories for your little family to share. It's a beautiful thing :)

Deon said...

Aaaaaaaaaand, that was me commenting just now, not Sean. (Although I'm sure he would be just as duly impressed.)

Stacy said...

That looks so fun! I am amazed that your kids were able to do all that! That would be the epitome of summer for me also.