Monday, September 12, 2011

Here's a good indicator that archery might not be your sport of choice:

Which is really unfortunate, because I was sure it was just one more thing I'd be awesome at.  Other things I'm awesome at include....




huh, I just got really sad all of the sudden!!

I kid.  But seriously - not archery!

BDEM:  Telling Ella that I loved her in a really crazy, high voice.  Usually, she plays along by saying, "I love you!" in a really low, growling voice.   Instead, she looked at me - and very seriously said, "It's not night time, Mom," and walked away.


Mandy said...

. . . Sailing!
. . . Being a GREAT mom!
. . . Super Blogger!
. . . and an AWESOME sister-in-law! :)

Guarantee there are many more things you are AMAZING at as well!

Sara :-) said...

I could make a list a mile long!!!